Thursday, November 29, 2007

End of November

Thank you to all the parents/guardians who came to our interviews. It is important that teachers, parents and students work together for the benefit of your child's academic progress. We really do appreciate your support.

We had a very busy week so far. Thank you to Mr.Spruin who coached our Senior Girls Basketball team during our tournament, and also to Dr. de Braga and the Senior Boys Volleyball team for hosting the volleyball tournament on Wednesday. Thank you to Mr. Page and Mr. Bracht for getting both organized.

Things to look forward to in December:
4th-Senior Boys Volleyball Tournament here at LKS
12th-Grade 6-8 Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
13th-Author visit (Andrea Beck)-Kindergarten classes
14th-Grade 6 classes off to a play
17th-Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Bradshaw off to Pioneer Village; Grade 8 Reviews
18th-Term 1 Athletic Assembly
19th-Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Gibson @ Outdoor Ed; B & A Talent Show @ 5:00 p.m.