Sunday, January 20, 2008

Week Activities

School Improvement Plan

Last week our Leadership team (grade reps) met to continue work on our writing plan. One of our goals in our School Improvement Plan, was to work collaboratively within grades to look at how we teach a variety of genre. Even though the Ontario Curriculum dictates our Expectations at each grade level, we want to be consistent with our content, resources and assessment and evaluation. The first genre we worked on was the narrative, followed by report writing. This week staff will also be working together in grade teams and assessing narrative pieces produced in the various grades. This exercise allows us, as educators, to become more consistent in our assessing and evaluating.

Week at a Glance

21st-Literacy Day; Sr Hockey @ George Bell; Scientists in the School with Ms. Moser and Ms. Kim; Junior Sharing Assembly @ 9:00
22nd-LKS Junior Girls VB @ John G.; Scientists in the School with Mr. Blais
23rd-Jr Boys Hockey practise @ 7:00; Jr. Boys BB @ LKS (vs Rockcliffe)
24th-Boys BB @ LKS (vs Portage)