Thursday, May 8, 2008

Week Ahead

Thank you to Mrs. Haslam and her committee for organizing Springfest this year. It was so much fun for the community, in spite of the rain!

A big thank you to all staff and students involved with our Free the Children Assembly and fundraiser. What a wonderful activity to be part of this year. The assembly was so moving and thoughtful.

Congratulations to our badminton teams. Although our grade 6 & 7 teams put forth a great effort yesterday, only our grade 8 teams will be moving on to the City Finals on the 13th.

Next week, we have a few soccer and frisbee games and track and field practises, so please check the phys.ed website for times and locations. We also hope our grade 5 classes have a great day at the Kortright Centre on the 15th. Furthermore, Mr. Blais, Mrs. Hill, Mr. Mclean and myself will be attending a student Equity Workshop with some of our grade 6 and 8 students on the 13th. We will share when we get back!

Finally, a big thank you to our grade 6 Peer Mediators who began their program this week. We are so happy to see you outside helping the little ones solve their problems! What a great help you are to all of us!