Monday, September 8, 2008

Week of Septebmer 9th

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm sure just like in my household, you are still trying to figure out the new Fall routines. We really hope all the kids had a great week! It was good to catch up with them.

I'd like to give you an update on our playground/yard. Last year the Board was going to create a partnership with the city to allow us to use the small parkette East of the school. After a community meeting in late August it was decided that this venture would be put on hold. As a result, the Board will be installing artificial turf on our playground to help alleviate our "mud pit" issues. We will keep you updated on this new venture. We are very excited to have a solution to our problem!

September is also a time of restructuring some classes. Currently, we have 755 full-time students. The Board will be looking at the number of students in our primary classes to see if we are over our exemptions and then decide staffing accordingly. This will take place over the next couple of weeks. We have adjusted some of the kindergarten classes to reflect the caps/exemptions, and we are over only by a few students. We are not sure what the staffing result will be at this time, but we will keep you posted. September 26th is the day that all classes should be restructured across the system.

In the next couple of weeks, we will be saying good-bye to Mr. Mahendran, our day caretaker, as he will be retiring to spend some quality time with his family. We thank him for his service in TDSB.

Hope to see you all out for Curriculum Night. The following may help you plan your evening:
6:00-Kindergartens (Gym)
6:30-Primary Presentations (Grade 1-non-stage side of gym; Grade 3-stage side of gym; Grade 2-lunchroom; Grade 1/2 Splits-Library; Mrs. Heath-Room 234
7:00-Staff Presentations
7:15-Junior Intermediate Presentations and Mr. Littlejohn (Grade 3/4)- (Grade 6-stage side gym; Grade 7-Library; Grade 8-stage side gym; Mrs. Gibson-Room 242)
Throughout the Evening: Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. Page, Special Education Teachers, Mrs. McGee and French Teachers will be available
7:00-Staff Introductions-Gym

We have lots going on over the next couple of weeks:
18th-Curriculum Night
22nd-Mediacs Presentation (Grades 4-8)@ 6:15 (we changed to accommodate the Parent Council Evening); Parent Council Meeting @ 7:30
24th and 25th-Photo Day (changed from the 26th)
26th-Professional Development Day-no school

1-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Trip
1st-Terry Fox Walk
6th, 7th, 15-Cross Country Meets
13th-Happy Turkey Day!
16th-Parent Council Family Night
20th-Grade 7 Hep B and Grade 8 Girls HPV shots