Friday, November 28, 2008

December Is Here!

This week we hosted a couple of great student presentations. Our junior and intermediate classes saw Nearly Lear; a dramatic rendition of the real Lear! It was a unique presentation that brought Shakespeare to life for the kids!

Also, our grade 6 students participated in a Wild Wild Web presentation with Debbie Gordon. Her key messages for the kids are: Think before you click, Practise Online Responsible Citizenship and Privacy=Safety. We'd ask that you take this time to review your child's online activities as a family. Many of the kids have blogs, email addresses and websites, and it might be a great time for you to go through them with the kids.

Finally, our grade 5 girls participated in an anti-bullying/empowerment presentation by Fitgirls. The girls learned about being a meanie, doormat, bystander and empowered girl. Again, the idea is for the girls to practise what they would say and do if difficult situations arise. The girls are bringing home a note for you regarding future workshops.

December Dates (as usual, lots going on):
1st-Report Go Home; Book Fair in Library
2nd-Grade 8 Special Education Reviews
3rd-A Christmas Carol for grades 1-3-p.m.
4th (evening) and 5th-Parent/Teacher Interviews
8th-Grade 8 HPV-2nd Shot for the girls; Kindergartens out to see Bird Brain (also the 10th; Grade 8 Students selling Candy Canes (be Kind and Caring-buy a friend a treat; Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.(Library)
9th-Grade 4 Bake Sale-afternoon; Christmas Concert for grades 1-3 @ 6:00 p.m.; Mediacs Presentations for grade 8 classes
10th- Grades 4-8 Christmas Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
12th-Term 1 Athletic Assembly @ 2:45 p.m.
15, 16, 17th-Officer Keith visits a variety of classes (Safety Officer)
15th-Christmas Carols-1:00 p.m.
16th-Kindergarten Concert @ 6:00 p.m.
19th-Christmas Carols-9:00 a.m.

I hope you have a great weekend!