Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Coming to an End!

Although there may be some changes to the staff, the following represents our school organization for 2009/2010:

Kindergarten-Ms. Mandel (am), Ms. Raymond, Mrs. Tyndall (am), Mrs. Caliguiri (pm), Mrs. Seitz; Grade 1/2- Ms. Van Schoor, Ms. Buksner; Grade 1-Mrs. Younger, Mr. Blais, Ms. Kim, Mrs. Hall ; Grade 2 – Ms. Malobabic, Mrs. Bradshaw, Ms. Olson; Grade 3-Ms. Zappi, Mrs. Shklar, Mrs. Adair, Mr. Ross; Grade 4- Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Littlejohn, Mrs. Gibson, Grade 5-Mrs. Iafrate, Mrs. Young, Ms. Walker; Grade 6-Ms. Moser, Mr. Ourique; Grade 7- Mrs. Perry, Mr. Kuru; Grade 8-Mr. Ellerker, Dr. deBraga; Special Education-Ms. Dacyshyn, Mr. Elias, Mrs. Heath ; Physical Education-Mr. Bracht; French-Mme. Locicero, Mme. Freitas; Library-Mrs. McGee; Music-Ms. Hoffman

As you can see we are welcoming two new teachers to the primary division; namely Mrs. Hall and Ms. Buksner. We look forward to working with them come September.

Next year, we have an allocation of 1 EA (Educational Assistant) and 2 SNA (Special Needs Assistant). Unfortunately, we still do not know who will be with us as the Board is still working through this process. We do know that Mrs. Mills has accepted another SNA position at another school. Her talents, warm heart and sensitivity will be greatly missed.

Please remember to check out our website for the Day Schedule and Calendar. Some times have changed slightly. We explained the changes at the parent council meeting on Monday night. Basically, we have to look at the schedules every year and accommodate changes made to teacher supervision times and prep times. This year, the staffing committee worked together to create a 5 day cycle, with 7 periods a day of 42 minutes (important for students on rotary). We will include these times on the letter going home with the report card also.

To continue our celebration of the character trait perseverance, I'd like to share Evan's (5B) thoughts:

Perseverance is when you are so far behind in something and could just give up, but you decide to keep on going and you give it extra effort. You may have to sacrifice a few things but if you do, you will meet the requirement and show perseverance.