Friday, June 4, 2010

Dental Screening

Just a reminder that Public Health will be screening the children from Kindergarten to grade 8 from June 7th-15th. The dental hygienist screens for oral health problems and contacts the parents whose children are identified as requiring dental services. This free screening is the same annual screening as in the past. The actual parent letter from Public Health is on our website under Notices.

Thank you to all the relatives who attended our Middle School Concert on Thursday night. The students never cease to amaze me. The chosen pieces really reflected the talents of our students. Thank you for supporting the Arts at LKS-a good portion of your financial contributions to the school are delegated to the instrumental program; it takes a lot of money to actual purchase and maintain the instruments and sound systems. Both are used extensively at the school. Thank you!

Good Luck to all the athletes at Track and Field on Monday and to the grade 8 staff and students going to Quebec! Have fun!

Dental Screening throughout June
6th-Track and Field
9th-Grade 4 White Elephant Sale
11th-Sharing Assemblies
14th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
22nd-Junior Soccer
25th-Grade 8 Grad @ 6:30 p.m.
28th-Report Cards go home!
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly