Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 8, 2010

On Wednesday, we had a follow-up assembly to present the LKS cheque to the Terry Fox Foundation. This year we raised $22, 206.94, which brings our total to $306, 995.01, over the past 10 years. This truly is amazing. A big thank-you to all the students who helped Mrs. Gibson organize this big event for us, and a special thank you to Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. D'Angelo, our parent rep, who spent hours counting funds and organizing paperwork. Your efforts are appreciated.

Our Remembrance Day Assembly is on November 11th at 10:30 a.m. You are welcome to join us in the gym.

Just a reminder that we will be sending home the new Progress Reports on Monday, November 15th. We will include a letter explaining the new process, but if you want to see it earlier, see the website under Notices.

November Dates
9th-Royal Winter Fair Trip for Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Younger; Grade 4 Artist Visit-Mr. Littlejohn
11th-Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:30 p.m.
12th-Pizza Lunch
15th-Progress Reports Go Home; Grade 2 to Kimsa Theatre; Reports Go Home
17th-Author Visit for Grade 4-6
19th-Parent/Teacher Interview
24th-Senior Boy's VBall @ LKS
26th-Sharing Assemblies
30th-Grade 8 Parent Night @ ECI

December Dates
1st-Kindergarten to Theatre in morning
2nd-Afternoon Kindies off to Theatre
8th-Grade 1-5 Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
9th-Middle School Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
13th-Parent Council; Kindergarten Concert @ 6:00 p.m.
20th-31st-Happy Holidays!