Wednesday, March 30, 2011

April 1, 2010

On Monday, we started our week with our monthly Sharing Assembly to honour the character trait of honesty. We had some good discussions about what honesty is and why it is sometimes hard to be honest. It was very interesting to hear the different perspectives from the varying ages across the school. The overall message was that no matter the circumstance, the kids will always be loved and cared for, and that it is better to tell the truth.

The grade 8 students are selling some beautiful jewellery to help support their Quebec trip. This is a wonderful leadership experience and it has been nice seeing the kids take ownership of their fundraising. It has been well organized and received. Thanks to Mrs. Snelling and all the students involved. Congratulations on a job well done.

This week, many of our teachers participated in an IPhoto workshop to learn more about the program and what it can do for them in their classroom. We are looking forward to seeing how those skills will transfer to their program and the students' learning. As many of you know, this is a major focus for our school and professional development.

Recently, Trustee Gough was elected for Ward 3. She has written a newsletter that we have attached to our website.

Thank you to Mrs. Gibson for organizing our Terry Fox Assembly. We had a special time together celebrating our success of raising over $22, 000 (the 7th top school). Russell actually won a bicycle from the foundation; only two in Canada were given out! In addition, Mr. Bracht and Mr. Ross are now bald; we raised an additional $150 as the students all bought tickets to be the barbers!

7th-Scientist in School for grade Mrs. Raymond
8th-Pizza Lunch
11th-Parent Council @ 7:00
12th-Seeds of Hope students attend field trip
18th-Earth Week-Assembly in Morning
22nd-Good Friday and Easter Monday (25th)
29th-Sharing Assemblies

2nd-Grade 8 Student Art work on display at AGO
6th-Mr. Lanis and Mrs. McGee attend Literacy Conference with some students
16th-Dental Screening
19th-Pizza Lunch
20th-PA Day and Victoria Day (23rd)
24th-27th-Book Fair!
26th-Grade 4 Scientists in School (and 27th-afternoon)
May 30th-June 1st-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO
May 31st-Grade 1-5 Music Concert @ 6:30 p.m.

1st-Grade 6-8 Music Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
2nd-Grade 2s visit Harbourfront
6th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
10th-Pizza Lunch
13th-Parent Council
17th-Sharing Assemblies
24th-Grade 8 Graduation
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly