Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

 As many of you already know, final report cards were sent home today and the students should be proud of their achievements! In September, we will be able to access overall school results and we will communicate those to you. Trustee Gough sent along a year-end letter that you can also access on our website.

Next year our classes are organized in the following way:

Kindergarten: Mrs. Tyndall, Ms. Raymond, Ms. Iafrate, Mrs. Mendrinos
Grade One: Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Olson
Grade One/Two: Mrs. Younger
Grade Two: Ms. Mandel, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Van Schoor
Grade Two/Three: Mrs. Shklar
Grade Three: Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Bradshaw
Grade Three/Four: Ms. Grant
Grade Four: Mrs. Dias, Mr. Littlejohn, Mrs. Zappi
Grade Five: Mrs. Caligiuri, Mr. Ross, Ms. Walker
Grade Six: Mr. Bracht, Mr. Ourique, Mrs. Taylor
Grade Seven: Mr. Kuru, Ms. Moser
Grade Eight: Ms. Chandra, Mr. Ellerker

Resource: Mrs. Dacyshyn, Ms. Young, Mrs. MacPherson
Library-Ms. McGee
Physical Education-Mr. Blais and Mr. Elias
Computers-Mr. Blais
Music: Ms. Hoffman, Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Samotowka
French: Mme Freitas and Mme Pagnotta

Special Needs Assistant: Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Najder
Education Assistants (Resource only): Mrs. Shorter and Mrs. Whale
Lunch Room Supervisors: Mrs. Silva, Mrs. Olabanwo

Office Administrator: Mrs. Stefanowicz
Secretary: Mrs. Shakespeare

Caretaking: Head Caretaker (TBA), Afternoon Caretakers (Mr. Loncar and Mr. Piwowarezyk)

The end of the year brings many staff changes.
  • We wished Mrs. Seitz warm wishes at her retirement party on Monday night. She will be sadly missed in the community and as a staff member.
  • Ms. Van Schoor comes back from maternity leave at the end of first term. We are in the process of hiring a teacher until she comes back. We will be able to share this information  in the last week of August.
  • Mrs. Shklar will be extending her maternity leave until the end of first term also, and we are pleased to have Ms. Sunde continue on with us in her current position of teaching the two/three split.
  • We also welcome Mrs. Mendrinos, our new part-time kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Mendrinos comes with kindergarten experience and we are looking forward to working with her.
  • Mrs. Sheppard will also be leaving us as she has been "bumped" from the school in the cut-back process. We will miss her dearly as a staff member and we wish her well. We do welcome Mrs. Shakespeare who has been placed at LKS as secretary from her school.
  • Due to TDSB budget cutbacks, Mrs. Silva and Mrs. Mikasinovic, both educational assistants have been terminated. Although Mrs. Mikasinovic has been with us for only a year, she has played a key role in our kindergarten classes. Mrs. Silva has been at LKS for numerous years, and her kindness will be missed by both staff and students. She will be returning in her role as lunch room supervisor.
  • We wish Mrs. Heath and Ms. Kim well on their year of absence.
  • Finally, we wish Mr. Britton well in his retirment. Mr. Britton has worked as a caretaker in the Board for many years, and has been at LKS for the last few of his career. Have fun with your golf and travel plans!
Finally, I'd like to thank you for another wonderful year. I take great pride in our students' achievements, and in our staff as they continue to learn and work together to create new and fresh programs. I am looking forward to beginning again in September.

The office will be opened until July 6th and again re-opened on August 27th. School begins September 4th.

Have a wonderful summer!

28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)

4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date

1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade

16th-PA Day

7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays