Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week End- March 1st, 2013

We had an amazing week with Jr and Sr Hockey, Jr and Sr Girls' Volleyball, Grade 8 Kiwanis, Sharing Assemblies, and the Grade 4 Clay Workshops. I'd like to thank our coaches, namely Mr. Ross, Mrs. Hall, Mr. Kuru, Mr. Littlejohn, Mr. Lanis and Mr. Bracht. I'd also like to thank Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Samotowka for taking our final grade 8 group to Kiwanis on Tuesday and finally, thanks to Parent Council for providing funds for the clay workshops!

A few photos to enjoy! Have a great weekend!

Jr Hockey

Sr Volleyball

Grade 6 Kiwanis

Grade 8 Kiwanis

Jr Volleyball
Grade 7 Kiwanis

4th and 5th-Kindergarten visit Young People's Theatre
7th-Women on the Move Conference-some grade 8 girls and Ms. Chandra and Ms. Caddel
11th-15th-March Break
20th-Grade 6-8 Internet Safety Presentation, followed by presentation for parents @ 6:30 p.m.
22nd-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photos
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday

1st-Easter Monday
15th-Parent Council Meeting
25th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
26th-Pizza Day
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies

13th-Parent Council Meeting
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day

7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students