Friday, January 22, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

It's been a very busy week at the school and it looks like it will continue to be so over the next few weeks. We had a staff meeting today and took some time to review many staff initiatives. We are truly blessed to have so many enriching activities for our students. The following will give you some indication of those activities:

-the grade 6 and 8 teachers reviewed the Internet presentations their students participated in and offered both teaching and personal strategies to staff; we will be organizing a Parent Night sometime in the Spring 
-the Seeds of Hope Club visited the local retirement home before the holidays and will begin selling hot chocolate in February to support the Daily Food Bank; the club will volunteer at the Bank soon
-Eco-Warriors have had many initiatives including but not limited to: Be Nice to Nature; paper making and the current light bulb and battery collection recycling program 
-Chess began yesterday at lunch and will continue for the next 7 weeks; lots of talented young chess players
-Parent Council will begin collecting for a Syrian Refugee Sponsored family soon 
-about 25 grade 6 students have gone through the Peer Mediation training and will begin working on Monday to help support our little ones when conflicts arise at recess 
-the IT committee has the new mobile labs running (thanks to Parent Council and your support) and we will be ordering the latest Smart Notebook software 
-the grade 6-8 House Program got off to a great start; we will be expanding it to the grade 5 classes next year
-many of our staff will be attending workshops over the next two months including; Inquiry workshops at Rotman and our TDSB Family of Schools; Reading for the Love of It and workshops in math and mental health 
-the grade 4 classes loved the Robotics workshops; please encourage your children to sign up for the summer program; 
-the Mental Health Committee will be providing resources to staff on child anxiety 
-Kindergarten Registration will be on Feb 9 and 10; it should be a great day with lots of student and parent volunteers 
-Aussie X will be coming to teach special dance units and grade 4-6 houseleagues began this week

Have a great weekend everyone!

January 2016

22-PA Day (no school as teachers write report cards) 
25-Fire Safety Presentations begin; Grade 7 and 8 Vaccinations 
26-Grade 4-6 Houseleague; Author Visit: Caroline Pignat; Fire Safety continues: Google Expedition Presentations 
27-Fire Safety Continues; Shoestring Opera; Chess Club; Grade 4-6 Houseleauge 
28-Grade 6-8 Middle School Concert at 6:30 p.m.; Fire Safety Presentations end; Sr Hockey Game; Grade 4 to Science Center 
29-Kindergarten and Intermediate Sharing Assemblies; Pizza Lunch; Grade 4-8 Houseleague 

February 2016

1-Parents On-line Interview Booking Opens: Aussie X Dance Presentations Begin 
2nd-Ms. Shklar, Mr. Littlejohn and Mrs. Taylor skate at MasterCard; Aussie X Dance; Grade 4-6 Houseleague; Sr Volleyball at John G 
3-Aussie X Dance; Chess Club; Grade 4-6 Houseleauge 
4-Aussie X Dance; Sr Bball at Deer Park 
5-Report Cards go home; Grade 4-6 Houseleauge 
9 and 10-Kindergarten Registration; Ms. Sunde, Ms. Souter and Ms. Mandel skate at MasterCard; Scientist in School visit Mrs. Heath and Mrs. Olson 
10-Chess Club; Grade 4-6 Houseleauge; Scientist in School visit Mrs. Gibson; Sr Bball Tourney at LKS; Mrs. Kimm visits Waste Management Facility 
11-Jr and Sr Hockey Games  
12-PA Day
15-Family Day 
22-Parent Council 
23-Primary Sharing Assembly
24-Jr and Intermediate Sharing Assembly; PINK DAY (anti-bullying campaign); Grade 4-6 Houseleague; Chess Club 
26-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch; Grade 4-6 Houseleague

March 2016

4-Grade 6-8 Ski Trip 
14-18-March Break 
25-28-Good Friday/Easter Monday 
29-Junior Assembly
30-Primary Assembly
31-Kindergarten Assembly; Grade 6-8 House Event 

April 2016 

4-Parent Council meeting at 7:00 p.m.; New Kindergarten Parent Night 
8-Pizza Day 
26-Primary Assembly 
27-Junior Assembly 
28-Kindergarten Assembly
29-Pizza Lunch; Grade 6-8 House Event 

May 2016

 23-Victoria Day 

June 2016

10-PA Day

29-Last Day for Students