Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

What a terrific week of learning for both teachers and students! 

Last week, Mr. Bracht attended a training session at Rotman's Business School learning how to integrate Integrative Thinking into his program. This week, he taught his grade 8 students the "Pro Pro Model" to come up with a solution to a "geography" problem: What country should decide how to use donated funds-the country who is donating or the recipient? The students used the strategy to create a final solution where both countries would benefit (Pro/Pro). It was fascinating watching  the students use their collaborative and critical thinking skills to solve such a complex and authentic problem. Moving forward, Mr Bracht will also be sharing his learning with staff. 

Ms. Kimm has had a busy couple of weeks as she presented her learning with other teachers in the TDSB at Rotman and our own Family of Schools. Her presentations have focused on the strategies that she uses in her class on Inquiry and Integrative thinking. This year, her grade one class worked through an amazing inquiry project focusing on Waste Management. Currently, she is working with our own staff planning an Open House next year for parents. 

Ms. Younger, Mme Pagnotta, Mme Freitas, Ms. Souter and Mrs. Olson also attended a workshop on Inquiry in the Classroom. All the teachers really liked the workshop and will be following up with each other next week to collaborate on how they can incorporate strategies into their programs. 

Finally, Mr. Ellerker, Ms Norton , Mrs. Taylor and Ms. Dacyshyn attended a conference on Mental Health last Friday. Mr. Ellerker will be sharing strategies with staff that will be incorporated into our programs next year. 

I'd also like to congratulate Dr. Grant and the grad 8 students as they attended a performance last week at Bloor Collegiate. The students listened to professional musicians perform compositions that were created by our very own students. The whole task proved to be an excellent opportunity for our students. Thanks Dr. Grant! 

I'd like to thank everyone who supported International Day of Pink today. Your continued support in this area is appreciated as we continue to teach the children to treat each other with respect and dignity. 

Just a reminder there is no school this Friday. Staff will be working on Long Range Plans and Mandatory Compliance Training (Health and Safety etc.). 

Have a great weekend. 

April 2016 

18-3D Printing Workshop for some grade 8 students 
19th-Grade 6 Badminton Tourney 
20-Grade 7 and 8 Vaccines (morning)
21-Royal Ontario Museum Assembly to celebrate Earth Week 
22nd-Earth Day!; School Yard/Shale Pit Clean Up; Grade 8 Grad Retakes
26-Primary Assembly 
27-Junior Assembly 
28-Kindergarten Assembly; Forest of Reading Breakfast and Voting; Grade 1s to Kortright; Badminton Finals at Silverthorn 
29-Pizza Lunch; Grade 6-8 House Event; Author Visit (K-3) 

May 2016

5-Folk Dance Club 
12-Folk Dance Club 
 23-Victoria Day 
25-Grade 1-3 Track and Field Day 
26-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Folk Dance; Pizza Lunch; Grade 6-8 House Event 
30-Junior/Intermediate Assembly; Parent Council 
31-Primary Sharing Assembly 

June 2016

1-Folk Dance Festival (7-Rain date) 
10-PA Day
14-Primary Assembly 
15-Junior Assembly
17-Grade 8 Graduation 
20-Grade 8 Quebec Trip 
23-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 
27-Report Cards Go Home! 
29-Pizza Lunch ; Last Day for Students 

September 2016 
6-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House