Friday, May 26, 2017

Thank you!

This week, I’d like to thank all of the volunteers that have contributed to the school this year. We truly appreciate your service whether it has been at Springfest, reading to our young students, driving to an event, sitting on a committee or supervising a field trip. 

A special thanks is extended to  Ms. Collings and Ms. Needham (Parent Council Co-Chairs), Ms. Riach (Parent Council Treasurer), Ms.  Chechik (Parent Council Secretary) and Ms. Lowenborg-Frick (Parent Council Grade Parent Co-ordinator). They are the parents who make up our Parent Council Executive. They organize our events, recruit volunteers and committees and work with myself, Ms. Norton and staff to co-ordinate budgets and directions. I cannot thank them enough for their support. 

I’d also like to thank the Parent Council committee chairs who have contributed to many events this year: Ms. Snowden (Music), Ms. Beveridge( Physical Education), Ms. Forte (Resources and Parent Education), Ms. Clarke (Environment), Ms. Almedia and Ms. Lee (Literacy), Ms. Gardner (Pizza Lunch Chair) along with Ms. Copeland, Ms. Hodgson, Ms. Kanjee and Ms. Oosterveld (Pizza Lunches), Community Outreach (Ms. DeBortoli), Ms. Pereira (Lost and Found) and Grade 8 Graduation (Ms. Beveridge and Ms. Zimmer). 

Student Council, on behalf of all the students and staff, would love for  all of our volunteers to get a coffee and muffin on the 8th at drop off to celebrate your efforts! 

We can't wait for Springfest on the 3rd. Please read the bulletin for more information. Volunteers are needed still! 

If you are moving outside the catchment area, please make sure you contact the office and homeroom teacher. 

If you are going to be away and cannot receive your child's report card on June 26th, please pick it up in the office the first week of July or last week of August. You can also arrange for someone to pick it up, but you'll have to make those arrangements with the teacher. We do not mail report cards home. 

Kindergarten Placement Letters will be sent home in June. 

May 2017 
29-Parent Council at 7:00 in the library-Changed to June 5th at 7:00 p.m.; Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins; Grade 7s to drop off donated books to Children's Book Bank 

June 2017 

2-Cricket Tournament 
5-Coding activities for our grade 4-6 classes, and some 7 and 8 students; Frisbee Conference Finals
6-West Conference Track and Field Finals 
7-Last day for instrumental; Soccer Conference Finals 
8-Mrs. Souter and Ms. Furczon go to Outdoor Ed Centre; Grade 4 to Medieval Times; Volunteer Coffee/Treats in the morning 
9-PA Day
12-Frisbee Finals
14-Soccer Finals
13-Track and Field Finals
16-Grade 8 Graduation 
23-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 
26-Report Cards Go Home 

29-Last Day for Students; Pizza Lunch-Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly