Friday, January 16, 2009

It's Cold!

What a terrible cold spell we just experienced! Hopefully it is warmer next week because it is so much better when we get outside for recess. You can really tell the difference in the students' energy and focus when we are inside for the day (or two)!

January usually proves to be really busy with new PD opportunities for our teachers. Our staff have gained some great professional development from our math consultant, and we will continue to do so for the month. We will be starting to order new math manipulatives over the next couple of years. Manipulatives are such a great teaching tool across the grades.

Most of our grades are working on Persuasive Writing this term, and our grade 3 and 6 teachers will be working with our language consultant on EQAO's expectations in this area.

As a staff, we will continue to look at the areas of concern in our EQAO areas and spend more time looking at the types of questions in the test booklets. We find that these staff discussions are invaluable. In January, we will also have an opportunity to explore the new data we can retrieve from our report cards.

January is also a time for both myself and Mr. Mclean to talk to teachers about all their kids, especially any students of particular concern (i.e. social, academic etc). We want to make sure that all the students are set up for success and we try hard to put in as many early interventions.

It seems like it should be a "quiet" week at LKS:
20th-Sr Boys Hockey
22nd-Junior Boys Hockey

26th-Cheryl Thorton (Author visit)-whole school
27th-Senior Boys Hockey; Family Literacy Day; Grade 3-7 Spec Ed Reviews
30th-Grade 6 Scientists in the School

2nd-Sr Boys Hockey; Optional Attendance Due to Secondary Schools
3rd-Grade 3/4 Spec Ed Reviews; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
4th-Junior Boys Hockey; Sr and Jr Girls VBall Tourney
6th-Grade 6 Scientist in the School
10th-Jr Boys Hockey
11th-Sr Boys Hockey; Kindergarten Registration; Grade 8 Course Selections Due; Family Bingo Night (Parent Council)
12th-Grade 4 Medieval Times Trip; Kindergarten Registration
13th-PA Day-no school and 16th-Family Day-no school
17th-Grade 8 Band to Kiwanis
18th-Grade 5/6 Spec Ed Reviews
19th-Junior Boys Hockey
23rd-Parent Council @ 7:30
24th-Grade 7 Band to Kiwanis
27th-Sharing Assemblies; Orchestra to Kiwanis

March Break-March 16th-20th
Report Cards Go Home-30th
Parent Teacher Interviews-April 3rd

*B & A would like you to know there are some spots open in the program for any interested parents. Contact them at 416-394-6400.