Friday, January 30, 2009


We've just finished our January Sharing Assemblies and once again, they were wonderful displays of the many talents our students possess. Certificates were given to many students stressing our January Character Trait of " Teamwork". To help celebrate together, we are hoping to get out on Tuesday to build snowmen in the Shale pit. Please make sure everyone is dressed appropriately.

We will celebrate February's Character Trait of "Fairness" starting next week. The Safety Reps are hosting a poetry contest to highlight this fantastic trait. The students at LKS are welcome to write a poem on fairness and hand it into the office by the end of the month!

February seems to be the month of sickness and holidays! If your child is going to be away please make sure you contact the teacher and the office (Safe Arrival) to inform them. Today, there were record breaking absences, and many were unaccounted for. Mrs. Sheppard has to call for each unknown absence and sometimes it takes for most of the afternoon. Fewer phone calls home would make her job easier and the students safer. We thank you for your efforts.

Furthermore, if your child has chicken pox (or lice), please contact the school as we send a letter home to the class. Also, staff are informed in case there is a pregnancy. Fifth's Disease has become common place over the last few years. It is a cold-like virus with a red rash. Usually your doctor will confirm it and tell you when to return to school.

2nd-Sr Boys Hockey; Optional Attendance Due to Secondary Schools
3rd-Grade 3/4 Spec Ed Reviews; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
4th-Junior Boys Hockey; Sr and Jr Girls VBall Tourney
6th-Grade 6 Scientist in the School
9th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
10th-Jr Boys Hockey
11th-Sr Boys Hockey; Kindergarten Registration; Grade 8 Course Selections Due; Family Bingo Night (Parent Council)
12th-Grade 4 Medieval Times Trip; Kindergarten Registration
13th-PA Day-no school and 16th-Family Day-no school
17th-Grade 8 Band to Kiwanis
18th-Grade 5/6 Spec Ed Reviews
19th-Junior Boys Hockey
20th-Author Lucy Falcone visits grade 5 and 6
24th-Grade 7 Band to Kiwanis
27th-Sharing Assemblies; Orchestra to Kiwanis

5th-Grade 6-8 Ski Day
16th-20th-March Break
27th-Sharing Assemblies
30th- Report Cards Go Home

2nd-Kindergarten to Grade 2 Spec Ed Reviews
3rd-Parent Teacher Interviews
10th and 13th-Good Friday/Easter Monday