Friday, February 26, 2010

First Week of March

Today, the students attended assemblies to become more aware around Anaphylaxis. The interactive production taught the students about the causes, symptoms and emergency responses. Also, most of the classes were taught how to use an EpiPen with a "trainer pen". In addition to the assemblies, many parents dropped in throughout the morning to visit the display from Anaphylaxis Canada. A big thank you to Mrs. Young, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Perry for organizing the entire morning for us. The information provided to the community will be invaluable.

Next week, you will also be receiving a pamphlet on the 'MedicAlert no child without' program. This pamphlet will give you information on how to receive free medical identification services for children age 4-14. Just call the number on the back and quote the bar code and pin number.

Today, the grade 6 and 8 classes built airplanes and wind tunnels with an engineer from Bombardier. I learned a valuable lesson-don't stand in the flight path of a grade 8 student's plane! The kids really had a great time learning. Again, thank you to Mrs. Turner for organizing this event.

Just a reminder that the report cards go home on Monday and Parent/Teacher Interviews are officially scheduled for Thursday evening and Friday, or other convenient times. Generally, second term appointments are scheduled if there are areas of concern.

Good luck next week to our school teams!

1st-Report Cards go Home!Jr/Sr Hockey Conference Finals
2nd-Book Fair (to 4th); Mrs. Iafrate's class has an Artist Visit; Jr VBall Tourney
3rd-Eco-Warriors lunch meeting and Walking Wednesday; Artist visit to Ms. Walker; Grade 6-8 Ski Trip
4th-Pizza Lunch; Parent/Teacher Interview Night
5th-Parent/Teacher Interview Day
8th-Grade 1 & 2 Classes to Theatre
9th-South West ARTS Festival at Islington-Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Blais and Mrs. Mandel
10th-Some grade 8 students and Dr. deBraga off to Skills Canada
15th-19th-Happy March Break!
22nd-Student Safety Rep Meeting @ Lunch
26th-Pizza Lunch
29th-Sharing Assemblies

2nd & 5th-Good Friday and Easter Monday
12th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 in Library; Beauty and Beast Dress Rehearsal
13th-Beauty and Beast Matinee and Evening Performance @ 7:00 p.m.
14th- Beauty and Beast Performance @ 7:00 p.m.
17th-Parent Council Gala
22nd-Earth Day
26th-Sharing Assemblies

4 and 5th-SW1 Equity Conference (for some junior and intermediate students)
10th-Parent Council Meeting in Library @ 7:00 p.m.
14th-Mr. Blais and Ms. Caddel at photography exhibition with students at AGO
17th-Safety Rep Meeting at lunch
27th-Sharing Assemblies
31st-June 11-Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO tentative dates

3rd-Middle School Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
11th-Sharing Assemblies
14th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
25th-Grade 8 Grad
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly