Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 10th

Thank you for a wonderful week. It was really nice catching up with many of you.

As some of you know we didn't have a big "realignment", but we did shuffle some students around so we now only have one grade 1/2 split and the other split was made a straight one. Currently, we have 722 students. We still have families away and some registering, so that number will fluctuate a bit.

We have almost completed our staffing. We'd like to welcome Mr. Pashko who will be replacing Mme Freitas, our grade 6-8 French teacher, until February. We would also like to welcome Mrs. Whale and Mrs. Scott-Mackey, our new classroom assistants.

Have a great weekend everyone!
P.S. If you have a child running in Cross-Country, we aren't meeting at 7:30 in the morning...be there around 8:45 or so. Thanks.

From Parent Council...

Hello Parents,

We currently have many of the grade parent positions filled, however; we still have a few gaps. If you can help with this rewarding experience, please contact Diane Kress 416-236-1477 or dkress@thinknet.com.

For those new to the school a grade parent administers and helps organize class and school events. Helping with these tasks enriches the students' learning experience by allowing teachers to focus on their students instead of administrative tasks. Activities generally include:distributing the class contact list upon permission from the parents and teacher; recruiting volunteers for activities according to the teacher's needs; recruiting volunteers for Parent Council fundraising activities or LKS functions and informing class parents of upcoming LKS and classroom events via email.

Kindergarten- Mr. Blais--am (2 parents required)
Grade 1/2- Mrs. Olson (1 additional parent required)
Grade 3- Ms. Shklar(2 parents required)
Grade 4- Ms. Kim (2 parents required)
Grade 5- Ms. Iafrate (1 additional parent required)
Grade 6- Mr. Ourique (2 parents required)
Grade 7- Mr. Kuru (1 additional parent required)
Grade 8- Ms. Chandra (2 parents required)

September Dates
13th-Terry Fox Assembly
15th-HEP B/HPV-All grade 7 students and Grade 8 Girls respectively
20th-Parent Council @ 7:00
21st and 22nd-Photo Day-details to follow
23rd-Curriculum Night-details to follow; Community Police Officer presents on "Drugs" to grade 6 and 8 students
27th-Grade 8 Quebec Night
29th-Sharing Assemblies
30th-Terry Fox Walk! Me to We Day (small group of staff and students)