Friday, September 17, 2010

September 17th

This week has gone by so quickly. I can't believe it is Friday already. It seems like we are settling into our routines now. A sure sign of Fall for me is when I see the kids out for cross-country, softball and football. Those early morning practices have been quite cold this week!

We are looking forward to seeing you on Curriculum night. The kindergarten presentations will begin at 5:30 p.m., the primary and Mr. Littlejohn's presentations are at 6:00 p.m. , staff introductions will be at 6:30 p.m. and the junior and intermediate staff will present at 7:00 p.m. Please check your teacher's blog, website or email for locations or on our website under notices.

We also want to thank you very much for volunteering in the school. You do so much for us. If you are going to volunteer in any capacity, please come to the office to pick up a police reference check. If you already had a check done, you'll need to visit Mrs. Stefanowicz in the office to complete the annual declaration on-line. Every volunteer must have a police reference check. Thank you in advance. Please visit our website under notices for further information.

This year, the Ministry has created a new process for our reporting procedures. You will receive one Progress Report in November, followed by two standard Report Cards in February and June. Parent/Teacher Interviews will still be scheduled in November and February. Senior Kindergarten Reports will be sent home in November, Junior Reports in February and both JK/SK students receive a final report in June.

from Parent Council...
The first Parent Council Meeting is Monday, September 20th at 7:00PM in the school library. All parents are welcome to attend this meeting and hear about all of the positions on council and possibly join a committee. We are always interested in adding new parents with different perspectives and talents to the council.

September Dates
13th-Terry Fox Assembly
15th-HEP B/HPV-All grade 7 students and Grade 8 Girls respectively
20th-Parent Council @ 7:00
21st and 22nd-Photo Day-details to follow
23rd-Curriculum Nigh; Community Police Officer presents on "Drugs" to grade 6 and 8 students
27th-Grade 8 Quebec Night
29th-Sharing Assemblies
30th-Terry Fox Walk! Me to We Day (small group of staff and students)

October Dates
5th-Cross Country
7th-QSP Assembly
19th-QSP Ends; IEPs go home
22nd-Sharing Assemblies
29th-Hallowe'en Parade

November Dates
4th-Photo Retake Day
11th-Remembrance Day Assembly
15th-Reports go home
19th-Parent/Teacher Interview
26th-Sharing Assemblies
30th-Grade 8 Parent Night @ ECI

December Dates
9th-Middle School Concert
20th-31st-Happy Holidays!