Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 29, 2010

Thank you to Mrs. Heath as she held a second math competition for the students in grade 4 and 5. Results should be in shortly. At LKS, we believe it is important to continue to provide as many opportunities for the children to try different experiences that are challenging (i.e. math contests, grade 8 Skills Canada, Spelling Bee etc). Taking risks is a big part of life; as is learning to cope with success and failure. Congratulations to all of the students who participated.

At this time of the year, the ice-cream truck has begun parking on Marquis outside of the school as licensed by the City. We continue to work with him as he is to be 30 meters from the school and the park for safety reasons. Sometimes this doesn't always occur, and we will continue to ensure this happens for the safety of all of our students. Thank you for your support!

2nd-Grade 3s to Pioneer Village; Sr Frisbee at LKS after school; Mr. Littlejohn to High Park
3rd-Mrs. Taylor to High Park; Bugs Without Borders Presentation-Grade 4 and 5
6th-Mr. Lanis and Mrs. McGee attend Literacy Conference with some students; Springfest Assembly at 9:00
10th-Sr Girls' Soccer @ Swansea
11th-Some grad 8 students and Mr. Blais attend Equity Conference
12th-Ms. Chandra and some grade 8 students attend Skills Canada Building Challenge
16th-Dental Screening; Grade 8 Artwork on Display at Islington (Contact Exhibition); Senior Soccer
17th-Primary Track and Field Day for Grade 1-3-after lunch (weather permitting-it could be in the morning)
19th-Pizza Lunch; Grade 4-8 Track and Field Day at ECI
20th-PA Day and Victoria Day (23rd)
24th-27th-Book Fair!
25th-Photography Exhibition (Grade 8 organized); Sr Frisbee @ John English
26th-Grade 4 Scientists in School (and 27th-afternoon); Sr Frisbee @ Park Lawn
27th-Sharing Assemblies; Grade 7 & 8 Presentation-Drummers!; Grade 4 Scientists in the School Continues; Grade 2-8 Track and Field at Centennial Park
May 30th-June 1st-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO

1st-Grade 6-8 Music Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
2nd-Grade 2s visit Harbourfront; Grade 1-5 Concert (changed from the 31st)
6th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
7th-Grade 3 to Botanical Gardens
10th-Pizza Lunch
13th-Parent Council
14th-Grade 5s to ROM
17th-Sharing Assemblies
22nd-Athletic Assembly
24th-Grade 8 Graduation
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly

September 2011
20th and 21st-School Photo Day
28th-Photo Retake Day and Sibling Photo Day