Thursday, May 5, 2011

As you can see from our calendar, a lot of our students were engaged in some valuable lessons this week around the environment. Many of the activities are taking the children outside the classroom (i.e. Pioneer Village) which provides the opportunity to follow up on lessons taught within the class. There is a strong research base for learning outside the classroom, and we try to get the kids out on as many experiences as possible throughout their schooling. In the "old" days, the Board use to pay for transportation, but nowadays funds are taken from school budgets and/or requested from parents, therefore curtailing the amount of trips we would like to take. We thank you for supporting your child's experiential learning.

This week, staff reviewed "Blooms Taxonomy" focusing on the importance of student higher level thinking and asking a variety of questions that will engage the students at different levels. Those of you who are familiar with Blooms will know that higher level thinking questions will ask students to create (i.e. Can you propose an alternative to...? ) rather than just focusing on basic questions like (i.e. What is...?). As teachers, we use all types of questions depending on the task. If you want to learn more about questioning and how to incorporate these strategies at home, the following link may help:

There is an upcoming Ward Meeting with the Trustee and TDSB Director Chris Spence at Islington Public School on May 26th @ 7:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Adam Sproat at If you require child-minding, please include the age of your child and any special needs.

In closing, just a note to our families who were impacted by the attacks on 9/11; our hearts have been with you this week and will continue to be so.

Have a wonderful weekend celebrating with your mom and the other terrific women in your life.

9th-Grade 8 Art Club-lunch
10th-Sr Girls' Soccer @ Swansea
11th-Some grad 8 students and Mr. Blais attend Equity Conference
12th-Ms. Chandra and some grade 8 students attend Fluids Challenge; Grade 1 and one/two class attend Environmental Reading in Library
15th-Grade 2 Presentation on Endangered Species
16th-Dental Screening; Grade 8 Artwork on Display at Islington (Contact Exhibition); Senior Soccer
17th-Primary Track and Field Day for Grade 1-3-after lunch (weather permitting-it could be in the morning)
18th-Junior Frisbee @ ParkLawn; Mr. Littlejohn's class organizing carwash
19th-Pizza Lunch; Grade 4-8 Track and Field Day at ECI (Pizza will be delivered to meet)
20th-PA Day and Victoria Day (23rd)
24th-27th-Book Fair!Artist in Room 159
25th- r Frisbee @ John English
26th-Grade 4 Scientists in School (and 27th-afternoon); Sr Frisbee @ Park Lawn; Ward Meeting at Islington @ 7:00-Trustee Gough and Director Chris Spence
27th-Sharing Assemblies; Grade 7 & 8 Presentation-Drummers!; Grade 4 Scientists in the School Continues; Grade 2-8 Track and Field at Centennial Park; Artist visit for Mrs. Machpherson's class
May 30th-June 1st-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO; Artist Visit for Mrs. Tyndall's class
31st-Artist visit for Mr. Blais

1st-Grade 6-8 Music Concert @ 7:00 p.m. (Dress Rehearsal in the morning)
2nd-Grade 2s visit Harbourfront; Grade 1-5 Concert (changed from the 31st)-Dress Rehearsal in the afternoon
3rd-Grade 7 Internet Safety/Beauty Myth Presentation
6th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Grade 6 Internet Safety Presentation
7th-Grade 3 to Botanical Gardens
10th-Pizza Lunch
13th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m.
14th-Grade 5s to ROM
16th-Grade 8 organizing Photo Exhibition
17th-Sharing Assemblies
22nd-Athletic Assembly
24th-Grade 8 Graduation
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly

September 2011
20th and 21st-School Photo Day
27th-Motivational Speaker for Students

October 2011
17th-Analphylactic Presentation
28th-Photo Retake Day and Sibling Photo Day