Friday, June 10, 2011

June 10, 2011

We'd like to welcome back our grade 8 students from Quebec. They should be arriving in the next few hours. We heard through the grapevine they had a great time! As many of you can recall, this will be something they will always remember. I really want to thank Mr. Ellerker and Ms. Chandra for being instrumental in the organization, along with Mr. Kuru, Ms. Hoffman, Ms. Dacyshyn and Ms. Bell (an assistant) for supervising the trip. Thank you for supporting the students; we know this trip takes you from your family and responsibilities for a week.

We are looking forward to our grade 8 Graduation on the 24th and celebrating with our families and friends.

I also want to extend an apology and thank you to Mr. Samotowka and Mr. Goldberg for their commitment to our music program and our concerts. I neglected to thank them along with the rest of the staff last week; I thought I thanked them the week before. I apologize. The students certainly wouldn't be where they are in their playing if it wasn't for you.

This week, our grade 6 and 7 students had two presentations on Internet safety and beauty myths respectively. Both were great presentations as they focused on the the good things the wild, wild web has to offer, along with the negative aspects of it. Please ask your child about the presentations and continue to follow up at home with these discussions. Next year, the staff Safety Committee and student safety reps are going to continue focusing on these themes. They may be planning some kind of powering down campaign-maybe a 24 hour social network fast!

Again, I'd like to thank Mrs. Laco for organizing our Pizza Lunches. Our last one will be on the last day of school when we have Lunch on the Lawn. Today, Mr. Kuru's class helped out and they were terrific leaders. Mrs. Laco is to be commended as it takes a lot of time and preplanning to feed approximately 500 students. Thank you to our grade parents for organizing our parent volunteers.

Congratulations to our Senior Girls Soccer team for placing second in the City Finals. As you can see from the dates below, we have a busy upcoming week with more finals. Congratulations to our athletes for your perseverance and dedication. We will be celebrating all of our teams (and house league participants) at the year end Athletic Assembly in two weeks.

Finally, report cards do go home on the 27th. We will be busy making final assessments and evaluations over the next two weeks. Please remember to take a look at the Promotion, Transfer and Retention Procedures on our website. As many of you know, we do have a high rate of promotion at the school, but it is important to know what the PTR says. If there were areas of concerns, teachers and parents would have been in discussions throughout the term. If you have questions regarding this, please speak to your homeroom or rotary teacher (junior and intermediate). The website also has the 2011-2012 day schedule and year calendar.

I hope you have a great weekend. We look forward to seeing you at Parent Council on Monday to discuss the budget and the Volunteer Tea on Thursday.

June Dates to Remember

13th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m.; Jr Boys Soccer Conference Finals; Ultimate Frisbee Finals
14th-Grade 5s to ROM; Grade 1 to Zoo; City Track Finals
15th-City Finals for Junior Boys and Girls Soccer
16th- Senior Cricket all day; Volunteer Tea @ 3:00 p.m.
17th-Sharing Assemblies; Grade 6 to Movies-Reward for winning high Tombola for Springfest!
22nd-Athletic Assembly
24th-Grade 8 Graduation
27th-Report Cards Sent Home! (Please see this blog for year end information as I will not be printing a paper year end letter)
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly

September 2011
20th and 21st-School Photo Day
27th-Motivational Speaker for Students

October 2011
17th-Anaphylaxis Presentation
28th-Photo Retake Day and Sibling Photo Day