Monday, June 27, 2011

Last Blog 2010

We hosted our graduation on Friday and it was beautiful. We are so proud of our graduates. We thanked the many grade 8 parents (and grade 7 parents) who were on the grad committee, but unfortunately we left out Mrs. Carbonaro. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Carbonaro as she did an amazing job on the decorating committee!

I'd like to thank everyone for a great year at LKS. It has been a year of successes both in and outside the classroom. Your support at home is greatly appreciated and Mr. Lanis and I look forward to working with you again next year. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our Parent Council Committe Chairs and the Executive of Corry, Sue, Kathy, Serena and Diane. You have done so much for the school this year-your dedication is to be admired. We are sorry to see Kathy move on as her children have graduated!

Although staffing continues to change, we have finalized most of our 2011 staff. As of now, the following staff will begin with us in September:

Kindergarten Team: Mrs. Beverly Tyndall, Mrs. Raymond, Mr. Blais (am), Mrs. MacPherson (am.)
Grade 1: Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Younger, Mrs. Gibson
Grade 1/2: Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Mandel
Grade 2: Mrs. Seitz, Mrs. Grimwood-Wilson (new to LKS)
Grade 2/3: Mrs. Shklar
Grade 3: Mrs. Zappi, Mrs. Bradshaw and Mrs. Adair
Grade 3/4: Ms. Menis-Dias (new to LKS)
Grade 4: Mr. Littlejohn, Mr. Ross and Ms. Kim
Grade 5: Mrs. Iafrate, Ms. Walker and Mrs. Young
Grade 6: Mrs. Caligiuri and Mr. Ourique
Grade 7: Mr. Kuru and Ms. Moser
Grade 8: Mr. Ellerker and Ms. Chandra
Computer/Physical Education: Mr. Elias
Physical Education/Grade 6 Math: Mr. Bracht
Library: Mrs. McGee
Music: Ms. Hoffman, Mr. Samotowka (Grade 6-8 Band), Mr. Goldberg (Grade 6-8 Strings)
French: Mme. Fretias (returning in second term)/Mr. Pashko and Mme. Pagnotta
Resource: Mrs. Dacyshyn, Mrs. Heathe, Mrs. Caligiuri (p.m.), Mrs. MacPherson (p.m.) and Mr. Blais (p.m.)
Support Staff: Mrs. Whale, Mrs. Najder, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Silva
Lunchroom Supervisors: Mrs. Joyce, Ms. Lumsdon, Mrs. Silva
Office: Mrs. Stefanowicz and Mrs. Sheppard
Caretakers: Mr. Britton, Mr. Loncar and Mr. Piwowarczyk

As you can see Mrs. Menis-Dias and Mrs. Grimwood-Wilson have joined the staff this year. Both teachers have come to us as they were both declared surplus from their schools (along with 150 Board employees). Both have experience in their divisions and bring some rich experiences to LKS. We welcome them both to the community. Also, we would like to thank Mrs. Sunde for her wonderful work with our grade 3 class. We wish her the best of luck next year. We also wish Mrs. Taylor best wishes as she will be leaving us for a year and returning in 2012. To Mrs. Street-we wish you all the best as you move to your next placement as an assistant. Your commitment to the students will be sadly missed.

The year calendar and day schedule have been available for quite some time now, but if you haven't had a chance to look at it, please see our website (on the sidebar). In early Fall, we will also post our School Improvement Summary and any final student achievement data/scores (i.e. EQAO).

The first day of School is September 6th. The school bell will ring at 8:45 a.m. As usual, we will all meet in the yard and line up behind our teacher before entry. If you are new to the school and haven't been assigned a teacher, please come to the office.

The office will be closed for the summer, but will reopen the last week of August for registration.

I do hope you have a great summer with your family and friends!