Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

First, let me start by thanking all the staff and parents who have worked so hard over the last few weeks and months preparing for our Grade 8 Graduation that will take place tomorrow night. Our gym and lunchroom are being transformed as I write this for the festivities. The grade 8 students should be so proud of their accomplishments both inside and outside the classroom. We depend upon their leadership throughout their middle school years to help run many of the community activities including the Haunted House, Springfest and Play Days. We wish them the best of luck as they enter the next phase of their schooling. I'm sure they are going to have a great time in Quebec next week. 

This week, I had the opportunity to visit Ms. Walker's class and saw some students present their projects on the Environment. Ms. Walker asked the students to pick a topic of interest and research answers to three self-directed questions. It was evident the kids really enjoyed the topics and presented detailed presentations. I might have to get solar panels for my house now! 

Just a reminder that report cards will go home on the 26th. If you are not here that day, the report cards will be left in the office. You can pick them up the first week of July or the last week of August. You can also get someone to pick them up from the teacher on the last day. Please confirm with the teacher. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Father's Day!
Grade 5 Science Inquiry Projects!

Grade 5 Eco-Home!

16th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip 
17th-3B to movies-Winners of Springfest contest 
18th-1-7 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd -Mrs. Burn's Graduation; Grade 8 BBQ 
24th-Mrs. I's Graduation; Volunteer Breakfast @ 8:10-library  
25th-Lunch on the Lawn; Mrs. Tyndall's Graduation  
26th-Reports Go Home 
27th-Last Day for Students; Year End Assembly 

August 2014
25th-Office Opens

September 2014
2nd- School Begins 
8th-Terry Fox Assembly
9th-Curriculum Night
24th-Terry Fox Walk
25th-Terry Fox Rain Date
29th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
30th-School Photos

October 2014
1st-School Photos
27th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
28th-Photo Retakes