Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I'd like to thank Mr. Samotowka, Mr. Goldberg and Dr Grant for hosting our concert on Monday night. We heard a variety of pieces from the intermediate Strings and Band classes, Grade 3/4 Recorder Ensemble and the Grove Machine Club. We all know the importance of music education and we are very proud of the music events that took place at the school this year, including: 

-Grade 6 Jump Start Music Camp-October 5th
-O'Canada performance at the Marlie's game on November 30th
-Middle School Concert on December 16th
-Primary/Junior Concert on January 30th
-Grade 6 to 8 Kiwanis Music Festival in February 2014
-Humber College Jazz Performance on May 5th
-Spring Concert on June 2nd
-Toronto Summer Music Camp

I'd also like to thank Student Council for organizing the school-wide Amazing Race yesterday. The grade 1-8 students had a great time finishing their activities. It was a great community builder! Thanks to Mr. Ross, Ms. Chandra and Mr. Littlejohn for being the staff advisors.

I'd also like to thank Mrs. Hall for being my dance partner over the last few months. We had the pleasure of taking our Folk Dance Club to a Folk Dance Festival on Tuesday night. The club performed 13 songs and they should be very proud of their efforts!

Remember, tomorrow is a PA Day and there is no school. Teachers will be marking and completing report cards.

Completing Amazing Race! 

Dressing Up at Amazing Race!

Grade 2 and 3 Folkdance Club! 

June 2014
9th-Cricket Semi-Finals;Last day for students to return library books please  
10th-City Finals Track 
11th-Grade 6 classes to Blue Jay Game; Junior Soccer City Finals 
12th-Grade One and Combined 1/2 to Zoo; Cricket Finals 
13th-Grade 8 Graduation @ 6:30 p.m. 
16th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip 
17th-3B to movies-Winners of Springfest contest 
18th-1-7 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd -Mrs. Burn's Graduation; Grade 8 BBQ 
24th-Mrs. I's Graduation; Volunteer Breakfast @ 8:10-library  
25th-Lunch on the Lawn; Mrs. Tyndall's Graduation  
26th-Reports Go Home 
27th-Last Day for Students; Year End Assembly 

August 2014
25th-Office Opens

September 2014
2nd- School Begins 
8th-Terry Fox Assembly
9th-Curriculum Night
24th-Terry Fox Walk
25th-Terry Fox Rain Date
29th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
30th-School Photos

October 2014
1st-School Photos
27th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
28th-Photo Retakes